Jake was a Research Assistant of the MATTER Lab from June 2018 to
April 2019, before he entered medical school.
Originally from San Diego,
Jake graduated from Duke University in 2017 and
later joined the Child Mind Institute, where he worked
in the Center for the Developing Brain and in the MATTER Lab.
He enthusiastically assisted in many Lab activities:
interviewing and coordinating participants in our experiments,
managing the IRB process, composing pre-registrations,
and conducting data analyses
(of survey data, brain imaging data, etc.).
Son, J., Ai, L., Xu, T., Colcombe, S., LaConte, S., Lisinski, J., Klein, A., Craddock, C., Milham, M. P. (2018). Evaluating fMRI-Based Estimation of Eye Movements in Naturalistic Viewing. bioRxiv, 347765. doi:10.1101/347765
Milham, M. P., Craddock, C., Son, J., Fleischmann, M., Clucas, J., Xu, H., Koo, B., Krishnakumar, A., Biswal, B., Castellanos, F., Colcombe, S., Di Martino, A., Zuo, X. N., Klein, A. (2018). Assessment of the impact of shared brain imaging data on the scientific literature. Nature Communications, in press.
Creed, J., Son, J., Farjat, A., Swisher, C. (2018). Early withdrawal of non-anesthetic antiepileptic drugs after successful termination of nonconvulsive seizures and nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy, Volume 54, 45 - 50. doi:10.1016/j.seizure.2017.12.001
Professional Organizations
Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI)
BSE in Biomedical Engineering (2017) Duke University